Terms of service

Last update January 31, 2024

Applicable legislation:

This Privacy Policy and Data Protection, applies the current European and national legislation:

  • • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • • Organic Law of Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD).
  • • Complementarily, the Law of Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE) will apply.
Data controller:
Access and use of this website WeOk.legal weok.legal (hereafter, the “Website”), may involve the collection and acquisition of various categories of data from users who use the service (hereafter, indistinctly, “User” or “Users”).
The data controller of the personal data obtained through the Website is CANALIZA OUTSOURCING DE SERVICIOS S.L with CIF B85528180 and registered office at Calle Padre Suarez 7, 33009 Oviedo, Asturias (hereafter, “Data controller”). If you wish to contact the Data controller, you can do so through simple and free electronic communication, addressed to hello@WeOk.legal.
The Data controller is the physical or legal person, who determines and decides the content, means, and purposes of the use and processing of the personal information of the User.
Data processing is considered any operation carried out on personal information, through automated or non-automated means, which consists or implies its obtaining, recording, structuring, querying, matching, storage, preservation, modification, deletion, limitation, destruction, communication and interconnection.
Concept of personal data:

Personal data is any information related to a physical person, which allows it to be identified or makes it identifiable without disproportionate effort.
The concept of personal data only applies to information associated with physical persons (not legal or business persons), so certain business data such as a name or registered office will not fall within the concept of personal information.

Categories of data processed:

As a User of the Website, the categories of personal data that you can provide voluntarily include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • • Identifying data (e.g., name, surname, NIF)
  • • Contact data (e.g., email, phone, physical address)
  • • Professional data (e.g., position, company)
  • • Economic or banking data (e.g., bank account)

Personal information marked as mandatory in request forms for information, contracting, or contact will be considered necessary and indispensable to be able to submit your request or application.

Purposes of processing:

The personal data provided by the user will be processed for the following specific purposes:

  • • Response to voluntarily submitted information requests by the User, through the means provided for this purpose and maintaining informative communications with the User.
  • • Provide the User access to the Website and the functionalities or services contained therein.
  • • Attention and response to requests to exercise rights submitted by Users.
  • • Management of the externalization of the whistleblowing channel and contractual execution.
  • • Billing for the service provided by the Data controller in favor of the User.

No decisions will be made through automated processing that may produce significant legal effects on the rights and freedoms of Users.

Legitimation of processing:

The legal basis that legitimates the controller to process the personal data of the Users is:

  • • In the case of information and contact requests, the User's free, specific, informed, and unequivocal consent (art. 6.1 a) GDPR).
  • • In the case of acceptance for the sending of promotional communications via email, the User's explicit consent (art. 21 LSSI-CE).
  • • In the case of processing data derived from the service contracting, for the execution of the legal relationship between both parties and for billing the service, contractual execution and compliance with legal obligations applicable to the Data controller (arts. 6.1 b) and 6.1 c) GDPR).

No data processing of Users will be carried out without a legitimate cause or legal basis that allows the legitimacy of the processing of information.

Recipients and international transfers:

The personal data provided by Users may be communicated to third parties in case of legal obligation (e.g., Public Administrations) or when necessary for the execution of the contract and billing of the service (e.g., Banking Entities).

No international transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) are planned. In case this situation changes, it will be duly noted in this Privacy Policy, with the purpose of informing the User, and the necessary guarantees reflected in the GDPR will be adopted, such as: (i) Adequacy or conformity decision by the European Commission (CE); (ii) additional guarantees such as Type Contractual Clauses (CCC) approved by the European Commission.

On the other hand, certain service providers subcontracted by the Data controller (hereafter, the “Data processors”), such as hosting providers, system providers, and IT support providers, may have potential access to the personal information of the Users, solely for the purpose of fulfilling the services contracted by the Data controller. In this case, a confidentiality and data processing assignment contract will be subscribed with the aforementioned providers, with the aim of protecting the security of the processed information as a result of the provision of the service.

Data retention:

The personal data provided by the User will be retained for the minimum necessary time, as long as they are useful for the purposes that initially motivated their acquisition. In any case, the principle of minimum data retention will be adhered to.

However, when the purpose that motivates the processing of the data has expired, they may be retained for the legally required periods, or blocked for the legally established prescription periods, with the aim of depurating possible responsibilities derived from the processing, and in the last case, they will be available exclusively to the competent authorities and bodies that may require or formally request them, in compliance with what is provided in Article 32 GDPR. In general terms, the data related to the contract carried out by the User, as well as their billing data, may be retained for a maximum period of five years.

Once the aforementioned periods have elapsed, definitive elimination or destruction of the information will be carried out.

Exercise of rights and claims:

The User can exercise at any time their rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, objection, and portability, as well as revoke the initial consent provided when it is the legal basis that legitimates the processing of their personal data, in a simple and free manner, through communication directed to the email address: legal@WeOk.global. They can also send this communication to the physical address of the Data controller, previously indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Likewise, they can also submit claims in defense of their rights, before the competent supervisory authority in this matter, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD): https://www.aepd.es

Processing of personal data as a processor:

As a consequence of the service contracted by the User, the use of the functionalities through the whistleblowing channel marketed through this website may involve the introduction of personal data under the responsibility of the User into the software or computer program. The User will always hold the position of data controller regarding the information entered in the whistleblowing channel. Given that, for the proper maintenance of the software and the provision of the agreed service between both parties, CANALIZA OUTSOURCING DE SERVICIOS S.L may have potential access to information or personal data under the responsibility of the User, will hold the position of data processor in relation to the provision of the said service in favor of the User.

Under their condition as a processor, they commit to:

  1. Use the personal data subject to processing, only for the purpose of this assignment. In no case may they use the data for their own purposes.
  2. Process the data according to the User's instructions. If the processor considers that any of the instructions infringes the GDPR or any other provision in matters of data protection of the Union or of the Member States, the processor will immediately inform the User.
  3. Keep, in writing, a record of all the categories of processing activities carried out on behalf of the controller, which contains:
    • - The name and contact data of the processor or processors and of each controller by whom the processor acts and, in their case, the representative of the controller or the processor and the data protection delegate.
    • - The categories of processing carried out on behalf of each controller.
    • - In their case, the transfer of personal data to a third country or international organization, including the identification of that third country or international organization, and in the case of transfers indicated in Article 49, paragraph 1, of the GDPR, the documentation of appropriate guarantees.
    • - A general description of the technical and organizational security measures related to:
      • • The pseudonymization and encryption of personal data.
      • • The ability to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and permanent resilience of the treatment systems and services.
      • • The ability to quickly restore the availability and access to personal data in case of a physical or technical incident. Ultimately, the making of backup or security copies.
      • • The process of regular verification, evaluation, and assessment of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of processing.
  4. Not to communicate the data to third parties, unless with the express authorization of the User, in legally admissible cases.
  5. If it were necessary to subcontract any processing, this fact must be communicated previously and in writing to the User, with a minimum advance of 72 hours, indicating the processing that is intended to be subcontracted and identifying the subcontractor company and its contact information clearly and unequivocally. The subcontracting can be carried out if the User does not manifest their opposition within the established period. The subcontractor, who will also have the condition of processor, is also obliged to comply with the obligations established in this document.

    In any case, the acceptance of this Policy implies the authorization by the User of the subcontracting currently in force, which are detailed below:

    • • Provider: KEWO GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY & MEDIA, S.L.L., with VAT B10678720 and registered office at C/Magnus Blikstad, 58, ground floor, office 2, 33207, Gijón, Asturias (Spain). The data center is located within the European Economic Area (EEA), in Germany.
    • • Service: Hosting of the program or software of the whistleblowing channel.

  6. Ensure that the authorized persons for processing personal data commit, in writing and expressly, to respect confidentiality and to comply with the corresponding security measures, which must be informed about conveniently.
  7. Ensure the necessary training in data protection for the authorized persons for processing personal data.
  8. Assist the User in responding to the exercise of their rights of:
    • • Access, rectification, erasure, and opposition.
    • • Limitation of processing.
    • • Data portability.

    In case of receiving a request to exercise rights directly sent to the Processor, this will communicate it to the User within a maximum of 72 hours from its receipt.

  9. • Notify the User, without undue delay, and in any case within the maximum of 24 hours, any security breaches of the personal data under their responsibility of which they are aware, along with all relevant information for the documentation and communication of the incident. The communication will not be mandatory when it does not affect personal data, as such incidents will not be considered violations or data security breaches.

    If available, the following information will be provided, at a minimum:

    • • Description of the nature of the security breach of personal data, including, when possible, the categories and the approximate number of interested parties affected, and the categories and the approximate number of personal data records affected.
    • • Contact information to obtain more information.
    • • Description of the possible consequences of the security breach of personal data.
    • • Description of the measures adopted or proposed to remedy the security breach of personal data, including, if applicable, the measures adopted to mitigate the possible negative effects.
    • • If it is not possible to provide the information simultaneously, and to the extent that it is not, the information will be provided gradually without undue delay.
  10. Make available to the User all the necessary information to demonstrate compliance with their obligations, as well as for the carrying out of audits or inspections conducted by the User or another auditor authorized by them. In any case, the carrying out of audits or inspections will require prior consent from both parties, on the day and time selected for their realization, without interfering with the normal development of the processor's activities.
  11. Implement technical and organizational measures deemed necessary to safeguard the security of the personal data processed, including those necessary for:
    • • Ensure the permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of the processing systems and services.
    • • Restore the availability and access to personal data quickly in case of physical or technical incident.
    • • Regularly verify, evaluate, and assess the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures implemented to ensure the security of processing.
    • • Anonymize and encrypt personal data, as applicable.
  12. Facilitate the return of personal data under the responsibility of the User, once the provision is completed. The return will involve the total deletion of existing data in the computers, supports, programs, or systems used by the processor. However, they may retain a copy, with the data properly blocked, while there may be responsibilities arising from the execution of the provision.
Policy updates:

The Data controller reserves the right to make modifications to this Privacy Policy at any time, due to changes in regulations, applicable laws, and jurisprudence. Such changes will be made known to the Users through notice, in order to inform them of any modification made to this Privacy Policy.

Access, navigation, and use of the features and services offered through weok.legal (hereafter, the “Website”), may involve the use and/or installation of cookies, by the owner or editor of the Website or by third parties. The owner of the Website is CANALIZA OUTSOURCING DE SERVICIOS S.L with CIF B85528180 and registered office at Calle Padre Suarez 7, 33009 Oviedo, Asturias.
¿What are cookies?:

Generally, cookies can be defined as devices for storing and retrieving data and information obtained through the user's terminal devices (e.g., smartphone). The use of these technologies allows for the collection of statistical, analytical, and behavioral information aimed at improving the functionalities of mobile applications or websites and the user's own experience.

¿What categories of cookies exist?:

Different types of cookies can be distinguished, taking as a starting point three factors or criteria:

  • • Responsible for their management.
  • • Duration / Time period.
  • • Purpose.

Classification of cookies based on the entity responsible for their management:

  • First-party cookies:

    Those managed by the website owner (e.g., owner of an application or website). They allow for the collection of analytical data, remembering language settings, and performing other useful functions that help provide a good user experience.

  • Third-party cookies:

    These are cookies not managed by the website owner but by another entity that processes the data and information obtained through cookies for their own purposes. The main reference with first-party cookies lies in the entity responsible for the use given to the user's information obtained through these technologies, and whether such use serves the purposes of the application's editor or a third party.

Classification of cookies based on the duration they remain active:

  • Session cookies:

    The information is stored for a very short period of time, as it is only useful for providing the service to the User in a single occasion (session). The storage and processing of the information occur "in real time" while the User is using the service, functionality, or website.

  • Persistent cookies:

    Unlike session cookies, in this case, the data is kept stored for a longer period of time (e.g., months or years), and can be accessed and processed by the entity responsible for the cookies.

Clasificación de las cookies según la finalidadpara la que se traten los datos o información obtenidos:

  • Technical cookies:

    These are cookies that allow the User access and use of the website, as well as the proper functioning of its functionalities. On the other hand, they allow the User to identify their session, remember certain components or elements of a request, share content, or allow the exchange of data for the proper provision of the service.

  • Analysis or measurement cookies:

    They facilitate the entity responsible for their management, essentially, to carry out an analysis of the volume or number of visits the Website receives. They also allow the quantification of the impact of certain advertising spaces or ads, as well as the measurement of traffic, number of visits or other complementary issues at the statistical and/or quantitative level, or volume of traffic to certain sections of the website.

  • Personalization or preference cookies:

    Fundamentally, it allows the User to distinguish their navigation experience from that of other Users, remembering their preferences. It gives the User the opportunity to access the service or website, setting certain characteristics such as location, language, interface, or the way the information is presented.

  • Behavioral advertising cookies:

    The following are the main categories of cookies used during navigation on the Website, as well as complementary aspects such as their purpose, responsible entity, and duration.:

    Name of the cookie Classification Time period Responsible entity Purpose
    _ga/Google Analytics Own / Third-party 2años Google Inc. It is used to distinguish users. Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by the cookies on servers located in the United States, complying with European legislation regarding the protection of personal data and commits not to share it with third parties, except when the law requires it or it is necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate its IP address with any other information it has.
¿What are the User options?:

Ante la información facilitada sobre el uso de cookies, el Usuario podrá:

  • Accept or reject the cookies:

    The User can accept all the cookies by clicking on the acceptance button enabled in the initial banner about cookie notice, or reject them entirely. Essential or technical cookies are exempt from consent. Their deactivation could lead to navigation problems or prevent web functionality.

  • Personalize in detail:

    The User can also -through the configuration or customization panel- select in detail which cookies they want to enable (accept) and which to disable (reject), based on their preferences and the use or processing they wish to be made of certain types of information. Nevertheless, the User can access their detailed configuration panel at any time and update their preferences. Detailed customization will apply specifically when using technical cookies combined with analytical and/or advertising cookies.

  • Deactivation according to the type of browser:

    The User can also deactivate the installed cookies, depending on the browser used. Below are several links where more information about cookies and how to proceed with their deactivation based on the User's browser is provided.:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer:Deactivate cookies

    Chrome:Deactivate cookies

    Mozilla Firefox:Deactivate cookies

    Safari:Deactivate cookies

    opera:Deactivate cookies

¿Updates and contact?:

The owner of the Website reserves the right to make modifications and updates to this Cookie Policy at any time, which will be made known through visible notice to the Users, as well as in the date of the last update of the Policy.

For any doubt or in case you wish to obtain additional information about the use of cookies on the Website, you can write an email to the email address: hello@WeOk.legal

  1. Ownership of the website:
    The website with the domain name weok.legal (hereafter, the “Website”), is owned by CANALIZA OUTSOURCING DE SERVICIOS S.L with CIF B85528180 and registered office at Calle Padre Suarez 7, 33009 Oviedo, Asturias (hereafter, the “Owner”).

    Navigation and use of the Website attribute the user status of the same and necessarily implies understanding and assuming all the terms collected in these terms of use; in addition, to contract the services or products offered through the Website, these conditions must be expressly accepted, the User having the status of customer (hereafter, the “User” or “Client”).

  2. Description of the product or service:

    The service object of contracting by the User or Client is limited to a right of use (license) and maintenance of a software or program for the management of the internal whistleblowing channel of the Client (hereafter, the “Software”).

    The Software allows the User to manage the internal whistleblowing channel, through the figure of the “Administrator”, who may grant specific access permissions to the complaints submitted to different additional users, belonging to the departments of the company involved in their resolution.

    The Software allows the reception of complaints and/or the inclusion of information derived from them, as well as the tracking of cases, the assignment of permissions to authorized users, and communication with the complainant with the purpose of informing him about the development of the process and course of the complaint.

    In the same way, the contracting of the Software implies the maintenance of the service by the Owner, in such a way that a correct functioning of the same by the User is guaranteed, also in compliance with what is indicated in Clause 7 on “Changes and updates”.

  3. License:

    El Propietario concede al Usuario o Cliente una licencia no exclusiva sobre el Software descrito en la Cláusula 2, la cual otorga un derecho de uso del mismo restringido al personal del Cliente estrictamente autorizado por él a utilizar las funcionalidades del Softwarey, por tanto, no transmisible fuera de las citadas circunstancias. La licencia se concede limitada temporalmente, al plazo o duración y bajo las condiciones indicadas en la Cláusula 9.

  4. Service availability:

    The Owner will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Software is available at all times, so that the User or Client can use its functionalities in an optimal and trouble-free manner. However, the Software may not be available at certain times due to maintenance actions, preventive actions, changes or updates. In any case, these circumstances will be communicated to the Client in advance, especially when they may alter the normal operation of the Software, within the period indicated in Clause 7.

    In the same way, the Owner is not responsible for errors or malfunctions in the operation of the Software that may be due to unforeseeable circumstances or not under his control (e.g., fortuitous case or force majeure).

    custom.En todo caso, el Usuario o Cliente podrá contactar vía electrónica o telefónica con el Propietario con el objetivo de que éste le brinde apoyo técnico o para la resolución de dudas o problemas relacionados con el uso y funcionamiento del Software. Los datos de contacto son los que figuran a continuación:

    • • Email: hello@weok.global
  5. Backup copies:

    The Owner will carry out backup or backup with the frequencies and characteristics indicated below:

    • • Type of copy: incremental/differential/complete
    • • Frequency: incremental/differential/complete
    • • Location of the backup copies: Frankfurt (Germany)
  6. Data retention:

    The use of the Software and the functionalities associated with the whistleblowing channel implies compliance with the retention periods reflected in the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, of Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), as well as the Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report on regulatory infringements and fight against corruption.

    In this sense, the data associated with the complaints submitted will be retained for a maximum period of three months, being subsequently deleted, always provided that investigative actions have already been initiated or, in case the complaint has not been dealt with. The data will only be retained for a longer period anonymized.

  7. Changes and updates:

    The Owner can modify or make changes to the content of the Software, as well as updates to ensure an optimal and better functioning of the same. The Owner will have the freedom to carry out the mentioned changes or updates. In any case, when such modifications involve a significant change in the content or functioning of the Software, they will be notified in advance to the User or Client, without delay and at most with a maximum advance notice of fifteen (15) days before the effective implementation of the modifications or updates.

    If the modifications or updates would be inconvenient for the User, they can transfer their objections or requests to the Owner, and both parties will cooperate in good faith with the aim of adapting the functionalities of the Software -as soon as possible or within the timeframe indicated in the previous paragraph- so that no damage is caused to the Client in the use of the same.

  8. Price and payment method:

    The acquisition and use of the Software will entail the payment of a price. The service price must be paid by the Client in character or frequency MENSUAL/ANUAL

    The price for the acquisition, use and maintenance of the Software will be Euros (€) incluido.

    The payment methods for the agreed price between both parties and described in this clause will be the following:

    • • Credit or debit card through our secure payment gateway STRIPE
  9. Duration and termination of the contract:

    Once the service acquisition has been made by the Client or User, the duration of the associated license for the Software, as well as its maintenance, will be twelve (12) months counting from the date the contract was effectively made between both parties.

    The initial period mentioned above can be automatically renewed for equivalent terms, except for express and written notification from the Client, with a minimum advance notice of thirty (30) days to the date of the end of the initial period or any of the extensions.

    In any case, the User or Client can unilaterally withdraw from the made acquisition, at any time, as long as they communicate it in a faithful and written manner to the Owner, with a minimum advance notice of thirty (30) days to the date on which the completion or termination of the agreement is expected.

    Likewise, the legal relationship between both parties may end for the following reasons:

    • • Mutual agreement between the parties.
    • • Non-compliance by either party of the obligations contained in these contract terms, which will give the affected party the right to terminate the agreement and request for damages and losses that, according to Law, may proceed.
  10. Industrial and intellectual property:

    The Owner of the Web Page will retain the rights of intellectual property over the same, as well as over the Software, over its constitutive elements, design, structure and arrangement, except for those contents, information or materials that have been the subject of a license or authorization by third parties.

    The User will not acquire any rights in intellectual property regarding the Website or Software, nor will acquire rights over the trademarks and commercial names contained in the Website or Software, except for the authorizations, authorizations and/or licenses that may be deemed necessary to ensure the correct access and use of the Website or Software.

    The Owner is the legitimate holder of the trademarks and/or commercial names contained in the Website and Software, without attributing to the User any type of rights transfer or use license for access to them. Any unauthorized use, which may infringe on the commercial traffic, the industrial property rights of the Owner, will enable the latter to file legal actions deemed appropriate under Law.

    Similarly, the texts and descriptions contained in the Website are original property of the Owner, to whom the copyright rights are attributed, as provided for in the Intellectual Property Law (IPL). Any unauthorized use or reproduction of the mentioned contents not authorized by the Owner, may be considered a violation of the mentioned regulation.

  11. Rights and obligations of the user:

    The User will have the faculties of access and navigation to this Web Page, as well as the faculties of access and use of the functionalities associated with the Software contracted through this Web Page.

    In this regard, the User commits to making proper use of the content and structure of the present Website, as well as in the case of the Software presented or made available through the same and previously contracted. Navigating through the present Website and using the Software require the User to fulfill the obligations indicated below, ensuring maximum respect for the norms contained in the legal order.:

    • (i) Do not handle personal data without a previous legitimation base that determines the mentioned treatment as lawful, in accordance with the applicable regulation.
    • (ii) Do not make an inappropriate or unauthorized use of the image or information of third parties, which may affect or constitute an unauthorized intrusion into their right to honor, privacy, and personal image.
    • (iii) Do not incorporate or introduce viruses or malware or any other file or program capable of altering or impeding the proper functioning of the Software and/or the Web Page.
    • (iv) Do not use the Web Page and/or the Software to carry out activities that infringe the current legislation on intellectual and industrial property, or the legislation on information society services, or the rest of the current legal order.
    • The violation of any of the previously mentioned obligations by the User or Client will enable the Owner to bring lawsuits as appropriate under law, and in such cases, to immediately cancel the account associated with the contracted Software, upon written notification of this situation and the reasons that originate it.

  12. Limitation of liability:

    The Owner cannot guarantee that, eventually, during the use and navigation through the Web Page, technical failures may not occur that may prevent or hinder access to it or its proper functioning.

    En caso de que el Propietario haya actuado de forma diligente, poniendo todos los medios necesarios para garantizar el acceso y uso sin incidencias a la Página web, no asumirá responsabilidad porpérdidas ocasionales de información no provocadas por la actuación infractora del Propietario de lo dispuesto en las presentes condiciones de uso, o que no pudieran haber sido previstas en ningún modo.

    Likewise, the Owner does not assume responsibility for the actions and management carried out by the User or Client, concerning the contracted Software and the information incorporated into it by the Client, in relation to the legal obligations applicable to the Client in matters of protection of whistleblowers and the channel for denunciation.

  13. Privacy and data protection:

    The responsible for processing the User's data is the Owner of the Web Page. Personal information of the user will be processed based on their consent, or rather, based on the execution of the existing contractual relationship between both parties, or for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

    Personal data provided by the User, voluntarily, will be processed with the purposes of giving the User access to the functionalities and use of the Web Page, maintaining informative communications, managing and carrying out maintenance of the service, proceeding with the contractual execution, as well as responding to information requests.

    Data will not be transferred to third parties unless legally obliged or necessary for the execution of the contract, being kept for the minimum periods deemed essential to clear responsibilities arising from the processing, and in such cases, being available to authorities that may formally request them.

    The User can exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, opposition, and portability at any time, by simple and free communication, directed to the email address:hello@weok.legal

    You can consult detailed information about data processing in the Privacy Policy

  14. Applicable law and jurisdiction:

    The terms of use will be interpreted according to what is provided in Spanish law. For any controversy arising from its interpretation and/or execution, the Courts and Tribunals of Gijón (Asturias, Spain) will be competent.

  15. Applicable law and jurisdiction:

    The terms of use will be interpreted according to what is provided in Spanish law. For any controversy arising from its interpretation and/or execution, the Courts and Tribunals of Gijón (Asturias, Spain) will be competent.

  16. Conflict resolution:

    The Owner makes available to the User the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) Platform, an online tool developed by the European Commission for the resolution of online disputes and aimed at allowing European Union companies to resolve their national and European online contracted services disputes in an extrajudicial way.

    Access to the platform: ODR Platform

  17. Updates and modifications:

    The Owner may make modifications to these terms of contract, or if so, properly indicated or notified, in order to keep the User informed.