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19,90€ month

  • Ok WeOk 50GB on European server
  • Ok WeOk One admin
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  • Ok WeOk Support via email


64,95€ month

  • Ok WeOk 100GB on European server
  • Ok WeOk Allows uploading of texts, photos and videos
  • Ok WeOk Three admins
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  • Ok WeOk Support via email and phone



  • Ok WeOk Trial version


240€ year

1 month free
  • Ok WeOk 50GB on European server
  • Ok WeOk One admin
  • Ok WeOk Personalización imagen corporativa y textos.
  • Ok WeOk Support via email


714,45€ year

1 month free
  • Ok WeOk 100GB on European server
  • Ok WeOk Allows uploading of texts, photos and videos
  • Ok WeOk Three admins
  • Ok WeOk Customization according to corporate image and form fields.
  • Ok WeOk Support via email and phone

*VAT not included

Plans Free

(14 days)

Crimson Royal
Multilanguage Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Total customization Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Capacity 10GB 50GB 100GB
System Administrator 1 user 1 user 3 users
Company users Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
European server Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Role and department management Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Anonymous complaint Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Two-factor authentication (2FA) Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Bcrypt encryption Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Quarterly deletion and blocking Ok WeOk Ok WeOk Ok WeOk
Technical support Mail + Phone Mail Mail + Phone (Attention

The price of the Whistleblowing whistleblowing channel

A simple, efficient, anonymous, and secure tool to comply with the legislation of Whistleblowing whistleblowing channel with a price within reach of any company.

We have created a tool easy to implement that allows you to report or inform about any suspicion of behaviors, frauds, or irregularities that may violate the legality or ethics of your organization or company.

Our prices of the whistleblowing channelare a small investment that will help your company improve its effectiveness, reduce its costs, and comply with the legislation.

Hire whistleblowing channel

Save a lot of money with a whistleblowing channel

An enormous savings to avoid sanctions established by law or that put in danger by violating the conduct standards and the ethical code of your company.

The establishment of this channel and its availability for workers aims to promote corporate responsibility, ethics, and legal compliance.

Also, it seeks to promote policies that favor transparency and equality in the business environment, contributing to reduce incidents of work harassment, sexual harassment, and possible discriminatory acts in the workplace.

Price whistleblowing channel

Why hire a whistleblowing channel at this price?

The Spanish legislation of Whistleblowing whistleblowing channel requires all companies with more than 50 employees to have an anonymous whistleblowing channel.

This requires companies with more than 50 employees to implement an internal complaint system.

This mechanism must be confidential and allow the identification of irregular practices, work harassment, or violations of rights.

With these legislative changes approved in 2023 in the presence of European legislation, include stricter measures for controlling possible violations of workers' rights in companies and organizations.

This measure reflects the intention of the authorities to strengthen transparency and ethics in companies,with significant economic consequences for those who do not comply with the established standards.

Fines can reach up to one million euros in the case of not having the mandatory whistleblowing channel.

A small investment that will allow you to savea lot of money in complaints, fines, and penalties makes the price of the whistleblowing channel very profitable.

Whistleblowing channel price

Security and confidentiality

Our software ensures the secure handling of information related to complaints, which translates into the prevention of possible security breaches that could be costly for the company.

Additionally, by protecting the confidentiality of the complainants and the sensitivity of the data, legal issues and penalties associated with privacy violations are avoided.

This allows for significant savings in other security measures or possible complaints for violation of workers' rights.

Comply with the regulations

The implementation of a whistleblowing channel software helps organizations and companies comply with the regulations.

This avoids fines and penalties and allows for significant savings in fines and claims of all kinds, as well as the consequential legal expenses in lawyers that could result.

Efficiency in management

It represents a great economic savings by reducing costs in labor and work time. By providing you with an efficient and fast system for reporting and managing complaints, the associated personnel costs are significantly reduced.

This agility reduces the time dedicated to problem resolution, optimizing resources and reducing costs associated with extended processes.

Business ethics and transparency

This type of whistleblowing channels improves the company's perception among customers, suppliers, and workers. By demonstrating a clear commitment to integrity, trust and loyalty are built with all the stakeholders of the company, both internal and collaborators.

This translates into a increase in revenue and greater customer retention. Additionally, it increases the confidence of the workers in your company, which leads to an increase in productivity and a reduction in labor costs, which results in a reduction of the costs associated with this, which impacts companies.

Prevention of legal and reputational costs

Another key area of savings is the appropriate prevention of legal issues and reputational crises for companies. Software of this type, easy to manage, allows avoiding these problems, which results in a significant reduction in legal representation, judicial processes, or claims.

Also, it reduces the economic cost that would involve washing the company's image in case of a public reputational crisis.

Research and information reduce costs

This type of applications manage to provide the company with a large amount of information that serves to prevent unpleasant situations in the future.

With it, more in-depth investigations can be carried out that allow improving the company's efficiency and avoiding the additional costs of an inefficient operation.

Investing in a whistleblowing channel software is not only a strategic decision but also an economically smart measure for any company.

Thus, the risk associated with fines or sanctions is reduced, in addition to avoiding problems with the violation of the worker's privacy and confidentiality.

This small investment is affordable for any company and gives you the tranquility of protecting your workforce, your reputation, and your unexpected costs.

It is imperative to ensure the anonymity of complaints and to ensure their accessibility for all employees. Companies that do not comply with this obligation could face fines and penalties.

La adopción de un software de canal de denuncias brings substantial economic benefits to companies by reducing their costs in various ways.

All these measures make the precio de un canal de denuncias suppose to reduce the costs in your company in various aspects.

Not only does it contribute to regulatory compliance and strengthen organizational culture, but it also impacts economically by protecting information security, optimizing management, improving reputation, and preventing legal issues.

All this will help the overall financial health of your companyavoiding legal issues while reducing associated costs.

Software compliance whistleblowing channel

The whistleblowing channel software is fundamental for companies that want to comply with the law and protect their workers.

Whistleblowing software

A whistleblowing channel software whistleblowing channel is a fundamental tool in any company with more than 50 workers. Such companies are legally required to have an anonymous and confidential whistleblowing channel available for their employees.

With this type of web-based whistleblowing channel transparency and legal compliance are promoted.

It offers a range of specific features that assist in the management of potential anonymous reports by workers regarding sexual harassment, abuse, and any other violations of their rights.

A simple-to-use and implement digital tool in the company that ensures good management of all reports securely and confidentially. With an external whistleblowing channel, it is faster to protect the privacy of your employees.

What is a whistleblowing channel?

The whistleblowing channel is a mandatory tool for companies with more than 50 employees and recommended for those with fewer staff, although not legally required.

This whistleblowing channel allows employees and involved personnel in companies and organizations to anonymously report possible irregularities, violations of fundamental labor laws, or any other dangerous situations within the company.

Since this whistleblowing channel must be anonymous it is a good option to use external whistleblowing channel software.

This ensures the anonymity and confidentiality of communications with greater security and without the need to hire specific personnel for this task.

The benefits of a whistleblowing channel in the company

The incorporation of a whistleblowing channel in a company is not only an essential measure but also brings a series of interesting benefits.

It promotes transparency and ethics in the company

Firstly, this mechanism fosters a company culture that is organized, effective, ethical, and transparent.

It provides employees with the necessary confidence and security to report any inappropriate behavior without fear of retaliation, thereby establishing the foundations for a healthy work environment.

This also helps retain talent and specialized personnel in your company by creating a stronger connection and trust with your organization.

Detect problems early

Early detection of illegal or unethical practices becomes another fundamental pillar of implementing a whistleblowing channel..

The ability to identify and address irregularities in a timely manner not only prevents negative consequences such as fines and legal disputes but also preserves the companyl's reputation.

This avoids possible legal action that would incur additional costs and a reputation crisis that could severely damage your companyl's image if made public.

By anticipating potential problems, the organization positions itself proactively to mitigate risks and maintain its business integrity.

Opportunity to improve within the company

This reporting mechanism ensures legal compliance. but also offers your company valuable information that makes it easier to make decisions and correct issues that could harm your operations.

It provides firsthand information from employees that will allow you to detect where your internal processes are failing.

Feedback obtained through the whistleblowing channel will make it easier to identify areas for improvement, strengthen your internal policies, and ensure a more ethical and efficient operation.

A healthy work environment

The implementation of a whistleblowing channel contributes greatly to maintaining a healthy work environment based on mutual trust between employees and management.

By cultivating a culture of respect and responsibility, the company fulfills its ethical and legal obligations.

It also strengthens internal cohesion and promotes a work climate where fundamental values are reflected in every department.

Why a whistleblowing channel software?

With a whistleblowing channel management software you get a comprehensive tool with various functionalities. It features elements designed to optimize the quick and anonymous management of all internal reports in your company.

This Software tool simplifies the process of managing any anonymous report by ensuring information security and confidentiality, preventing any security breaches at any time.

allows for smooth and quick communication with the personnel responsible for managing reports, investigating the incidents, and starting the necessary protocols to comply with the law and resolve the problematic situation reported by the employee.

Among its main features, we find:

The management of anonymous reports

The management of anonymous reports

allows employees and other stakeholders to submit reports completely anonymously.

This feature not only promotes confidentiality but also provides a safe means to express concerns without revealing the informantl's identity.

A direct communication

A direct communication

the platform facilitates effective two-way communication between the whistleblower and the whistleblowing channel manager..

This direct interaction ensures clarity in the information provided, promoting an effective response and proper resolution of each case. Obtaining the clarifications or documents needed to investigate the reported facts and verify and review what happened.

Easy tracking of deadlines and processes

Easy tracking of deadlines and processes

With this whistleblowing channel software it is easier to track deadlines set for managing reports.

This ensures a timely response to each communication, thus strengthening the efficiency and speed in resolving the issues raised.

Anonymous personal data

Anonymous personal data

in this web-based whistleblowing channel delves into protecting the informantl's identity. The software ensures that all personal data, as well as all documentation provided and collected during the reporting process, are anonymous.

This is an additional reinforcement in confidentiality and helps workers have confidence in the company and the whistleblowing channel, encouraging the reporting of any possible irregularity.

Easy, accessible, and secure access

Easy, accessible, and secure access

To ensure accessibility and security, the platform offers an easily accessible communication channel, backed by strong security measures.

This ensures comprehensive protection of confidential information and promotes active employee participation in the reporting process.

The whistleblowing channel software It is an indispensable tool and provides advanced technical functionalities.

It also offers a solid framework for promoting transparency, security, and efficiency in the management of reports within the company.

Advantages of internal whistleblowing channel management software

The use of whistleblowing channel software offers numerous advantages in the management of internal reports within a company.

Among them are:

Promotion of transparency

The whistleblowing channel facilitates the detection of possible irregularities and promotes a transparent and ethical work environment.

Regulatory compliance

The whistleblowing channel software helps companies comply with European and American regulations on whistleblower protection and irregularity prevention.

Crime prevention

It allows for the prevention and detection of fraudulent activities, avoiding potential financial losses and damage to the companyl's reputation.

Improvement of organizational culture

The use of a whistleblowing channel fosters a culture of integrity and responsibility within the company, promoting trust and respect among employees.

Optimization of management processes

The software automates and streamlines the management of reports, reducing response times and improving the efficiency of internal processes.

Whistleblowing channel law

The implementation of a whistleblowing channel in a company must comply with current regulations on whistleblower protection and irregularity prevention in the workplace.

These regulations are fundamental to ensuring the confidentiality and security of informants, as well as fostering an ethical and transparent work environment.

The regulations on whistleblowing channels in Spain

There are various regulations in place for the protection and management of reports and the prevention of all kinds of irregularities in the workplace.

  • Personal data protection

    The data protection law establishes the rights and obligations related to the processing of personal information, ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of informants.

  • Whistleblower Directive

    This European directive aims to establish a common framework for the protection of whistleblowers across the European Union, ensuring their confidentiality, anonymity, and non-retaliation.

    Companies must comply with the Whistleblower Directive. This involves ensuring the security and anonymity of whistleblowers, as well as all communications. This implies the implementation of a secure and confidential whistleblowing channel at all times.

  • Labor laws

    National labor laws include the protection of whistleblowers against retaliation and ensure that companies have adequate and effective whistleblowing channels.

    It is important to note that this type of legislation undergoes constant changes and updates. It is essential for companies to stay informed of these modifications at all times to ensure compliance with the law.

    This is often difficult for companies to achieve. This is another advantage of compliance whistleblowing channel software. Our software is continuously updated to adapt to new legislative changes.

    It saves you hours of dedication, research, and hassle to know exactly the changes in various laws and update your companyl's whistleblowing channel accordingly.

Whistleblowing channel in companies

The Whistleblowing channel in companies is a fundamental tool for promoting transparency and regulatory compliance. To achieve effective management, clear requirements and responsibilities must be established.

The requirements for effective whistleblowing channel management

The implementation of an effective whistleblowing channel requires considering a series of key requirements and responsibilities:

Appoint responsible individuals

Designate a responsible person to manage the whistleblowing channel diligently and confidentially.

Establish clear processes

Establish a clear and accessible process for employees to submit reports safely and securely.

Ensure anonymity

Guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers, avoiding any form of retaliation or discrimination.

Regular deadlines

Establish specific deadlines for confirming and responding to reports, ensuring agile and efficient management.

Possibility of investigation

Conduct a thorough investigation of each report received, ensuring impartiality and objectivity in the process.

Take appropriate measures to address verified reports, including disciplinary, corrective, or preventive actions.

Adapting the whistleblowing channel in your company

Every company has its own peculiarities and in some sectors, there may be specific legislative norms.

A company has specific needs and regulations to consider when implementing a whistleblowing channel:

  • Evaluate and understand the legal and labor regulations applicable in the area of reporting and whistleblower protection.
  • Customize the whistleblowing channel to fit the companyl's structure and culture, ensuring its effectiveness and acceptance by employees.
  • Establish clear policies and communicate widely and transparently about the existence and operation of the whistleblowing channel.
  • Provide adequate training and education to employees to promote a responsible and ethical reporting culture.
  • Conduct periodic reviews of the functioning and effectiveness of the whistleblowing channel, making adjustments and improvements as necessary.

Therefore, a software compliance whistleblowing channel lo hará todo más fácil, con menor gasto en tu empresa, si necesidad de contratar personal específico para hacerlo.

Avoiding dangers in your company and avoiding possible sanctions and fines for non-compliance with mandatory legislation for all companies and organizations.

Easily comply with the law while protecting your employees from any danger and improving their engagement and commitment to your company.

You will enjoy a workforce that feels comfortable in your company and is more efficient and productive thanks to their connection with your brand values.

Discover the price of hiring the whistleblowing channel the WeOk.