Public administration whistleblowing channel

Public entities

WeOk is positioned in the market as the only whistleblower channel specialised in public entities.

With a comprehensive approach ranging from state administration to regional and local administration, WeOk offers a solution adapted to the specific needs of each entity, guaranteeing compliance with Law 2/2023.


Why WeOk?

Public sector specialization

Specialisation in the Public Sector

Service specifically designed for state, regional and local entities, public universities, public law corporations, political parties, trade unions, employers' associations and foundations.

Guaranteed legal compliance

Guaranteed Legal Compliance

Full adaptation to Law 2/2023, ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting both the entity and the whistleblowers.

Confidentiality and security

Confidentiality and Security


Maximum guarantees of confidentiality and security in the management of complaints, respecting the privacy of the informant and of the persons involved.

Why should my public body have a whistleblowing channel?

Public entities are obliged to have a whistleblower channel according to Law 2/2023 of 20 February on the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption. This law introduces the obligation to have internal whistleblowing channels not only for private companies with a certain number of employees, but also for all Public Administrations, as well as other public sector bodies and entities.

What is the deadline for public entities to have their complaints channel active?

Public entities had a deadline of 13 June 2023 to implement their whistleblowing channel. This date was applicable for companies with more than 249 employees and those obliged by their activity or turnover, including administrations and public entities and all other obliged organisations.


Main features of WeOk

Accessibility ease of use

Accessibility and Ease of Use

Intuitive and user-friendly platform, accessible from any device

Comprehensive complaint management

Integrated Complaints Management

From the reception to the follow-up and resolution of each case, with clear and defined deadlines

Flexible configuration

Flexible Configuration

Both the departments of each entity, as well as the users involved in the process of attention and resolution of the complaints

Specialized support

Specialised Support

Team of experts in public sector legislation, available for advice and incident management

Report and analysis

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and analysis tools to assess channel effectiveness and improve internal policies

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and analysis tools to assess channel effectiveness and improve internal policies

Benefits for Public Entities

Transparency and Trust

Strengthens transparency and fosters a climate of trust within and outside the organisation.

Protection against Retaliation

Protection system that ensures the integrity of whistleblowers, avoiding any kind of retaliation.

Prevention of Corruption

Contributes significantly to the prevention and fight against corruption.

Improvement of the Institutional Image

Positions the entity as committed to legality and good practices

Public administration whistleblowing channel

The whistleblowing channel for public administration by type

Have you wondered what types of public administration must have whistleblowing channels? From WeOk, we explain which ones they are and provide a brief overview of each.

As previously mentioned, Article 13 of the whistleblowing channel law states the following: "all public sector entities are required to have a whistleblowing channel".

Therefore, we need to show you all the sectors.

  • All public entities and organizations directly linked to the public administration. This includes associations or corporations involving public agencies.
  • The administrations of the Autonomous Communities and the General State Administration. Also, cities with autonomy statutes.
  • Public universities, Corporations of Law, and Foundations.
  • All independent administrative authorities, managing entities, and even Social Security.
  • Companies with at least 50% public capital.
  • Various constitutionally relevant bodies and other related regional institutions.

As you can see, a whistleblowing channel for public administration is mandatory for a large number of entities. We must emphasize that the implementation of this system can be distributed among several of them.

If youl're wondering how, donl't worry, wel'll explain it in the following points.

A clear example is organizations with investigative or verification functions. In this case, the whistleblowing channel is divided into two parts:

Internal channel: This collects reports about legal violations within the organization.

  • Did you know there are organizations that by law must comply with more regulations?
  • External channel: This collects reports from third parties, people outside the organization.

Structure of the whistleblowing channel for public administrations

The software WeOk constitutes a system of custom.canal de denuncias para administraciones públicas</strong> que mejora el entorno laboral y la transparencia en cualquier organismo.

But what is the structure and main aspects of the system? We present them:



In terms of accessibility, the software is intuitive for anyone, with sufficient means to facilitate communication and an optimized whistleblowing channel with the latest industry technology.

The whistleblowing inbox is completely secure and does not grant access permissions to anyone not involved in the management.



Management of the whistleblowing channel for public administration is efficient, with a mechanism that notifies the receipt of a report within a maximum of seven days.

Additionally, the whistleblower can stay in communication with the management to know the status of the report, and even the final resolution.

A responsible person must be appointed to manage the whistleblowing channel, overseeing the proper functioning of the system and thoroughly following up on reports in process.

This is complemented by the existence of a register where all reports (regardless of their processing status) are recorded. This facilitates monitoring and periodic control of the channel.

Legality and regulation

Legality and regulation

The law requires that the public administration publicize the policy and procedure of the channel, so that any member can know its rules, functioning, and scope.

This also makes management easier, as each step of the report process is well understood.

The protocol must also be communicated externally and internally, without forgetting to strictly follow data protection regulations.

As previously mentioned, systems that share information from differentpublic administrations at the same time, must specify which is their designated whistleblowing channel.



Regarding security, it facilitates the submission of anonymous reports, where the identity of the whistleblower or the actions reported (including those involved) are not revealed.

The security measures and support within the system prevent an organization from taking improper actions against the whistleblower or any of their associates. The result is protection for witnesses.

In short,

The whistleblowing channel for public administration is very similar to the system that private companies must introduce, sharing characteristics in most cases.

This is because the goal is the same in both examples: to build an ethical environment that complies with current regulations, preventing irregularities within the organization and detecting illegal actions.

WeOk guarantees a secure way to process a report, facilitating an efficient investigation process. At the same time, it offers a safe alternative for whistleblowers, whether they are employees or not, to report misconduct.

The whistleblowing channel for public administration in municipalities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants

Although the system is the same for everyone, municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants and entities with fewer than 50 employees can use the whistleblowing channel jointly while maintaining confidentiality.

This example is covered by law and affects all entities dependent on territorial administrations with fewer than fifty employees.

Sharing the internal system means that the resources dedicated to processing reports and corresponding investigations are also shared.

The whistleblowing channel implemented in the town hall of municipalities with the mentioned characteristics can be included in an internal system, where information is shared with other administrations.

Therefore, entities that belong to or depend on the public sector can also take advantage of the resources and information from this system.

Attention! It is crucial that whistleblowing channels are well differentiated, specifying which belongs to each municipality and each public sector entity, so they are independent of each other.

A clear distinction facilitates understanding for citizens and members of any organization.